Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Incomplete tortoise family~~~

sob sob...i lost one ma tortoise plush toy ...ma frens gave to me wan, for ma birthday 2 yrs ago. 3 tortoise toy; papa, mama & bebe. i put them in ma car wan, on the dashboard. then, 2 days ago i realize papa went missing. i searched everywhere in ma car, underneath the seats, don have!! i asked ma family, but they din take it...where does it gone??

y would it suddenly go missing wan...sad ler...i treat him so nice oso wanto go away, sigh~~~

the tortoise family became incomplete d, without papa...

tortoise mama: papa, come back laa, i miss ya!! we're incomplete w/o u~~
tortoise bb : papa...papa...papa...

i rili wish dat papa is somewhere around ma hse, hope can find it back, i rili like the toy wan er...
but come to think of it, all the while i put him in the car wan wor...if he rili appears in ma hse, means...he rili can crawl back inside ma hse??!!! uhhh, SCARY!!! [wat a STUPID thinking, i'm sure he dropped out from ur car when u don notice laa! cant find it back de laa, buy new one laa bodoh]


Yvonne said...

Aiyo...so 'cartoon' la u...but very cute and lovely. No wonder so many people like you so much. You are like never grow up (but grow prettier and prettier)...Keke... You are forever the blurrest, cutest, funniest, sweetest, prettiest, happiest, smartest and all the best in everyone's heart. Sometimes also feel kinda jealous. Anyway..stay cute and happy. MUAX!!!

w@n_w@n said...

wuaaa...so much compliments wan...i malu de (*^-^*)hehe...wehere got dat nice laa...u soh poh